This blog has some REALLY COOL stuff! I first discovered when looking for Bo Peep and her Sheep for the girls for Halloween. Shabby Apple has lots of cool stuff and I could get in a lot of trouble easily with her stuff. Check it's way fun!! I'm trying to win a felt cake to add to my playroom!!
Sweetie Pie Bakery Felt Cake GUEST GIVEAWAY!!!!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Sweetie Pie Bakery Felt Cake GUEST GIVEAWAY!!!!
Posted by KerrisKorner at 8:56 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 I think my blog is a reflection of my life with 2 kids. I agree with all of those mommies who told me that there is A BIGGGG difference between 1 kid and 2...yes there is!!! I did want to take some time to update on our summer and post some pics of the kiddos! We went to Panama City Beach, FL last week. It was a WONDERFUL trip and the girls did almost perfect. We enjoyed time with grandparents and great grandparents and the beach was BEAUTIFUL!! We are taking Kate to Schlitterbahn this weekend with Aunt Kristi, Uncle Jerrod and Cohen. Kate says that Cohen is her "best friend" and they are like 2 peas in a pod. It should be a fun day! Josh starts law school in just 3 weeks and I am hoping the Lord will just provide for our already CRAZY lives during the next 3 years. We've enjoyed his last 4 months at home between being employed and starting school and we are all very spoiled by daddy being around so much. It will be a big change for us, but no doubt where God has us! Elle is 6 months old today and is sitting up (some) and beginning to almost roll over. She is so precious and it just the best baby we could have ever asked for. Kate loves being a big sister still and is turning into such a girly girl. She LOVES dress up and shoes and beads. She talks constantly about nothing but we love all the funny things she says. later...they aren't loading because they are too big and I have to resize, resave and time for that now!
Posted by KerrisKorner at 7:23 AM 1 comments
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Giving Back...
Posted by KerrisKorner at 11:59 AM 1 comments
Monday, June 1, 2009
New Hobby...
So I am thinking about taking up photography. I witness so many precious moments throughout the day with my girls and I would love to be able to capture it all on more than just a point and shoot type of camera. I am looking into purchasing a nicer digital camera. Anybody have any suggestions? Does anyone know where to look for advice on this topic or follow any photographers?
Let me know if you have any info. that might help me out!
Posted by KerrisKorner at 12:26 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
My friend Whitnee called at 11pm last night asking for prayer for Baby Lydia. Whitnee is a good friend of mine from Seminary and she had her first baby last Thursday via c-section. They have determined that she was born with a virus in her spinal fluid that caused her to stop breathing just after she was born. Whitnee was recovering at Baylor and they moved her baby to Cooks NICU. She has been in a whirlwind of emotion as she is overcoming the surgery, emotionally overwhelmed by Lydia's condition, and having to be sepearated for a few days inbetween. She has since been released and able to interact with Lydia some. She was told yesterday that once this virus passes Lydia should be ok, but might have a learning delay. They were in high spirits until last night when the hospital called to tell them that she had taken a turn for the worse and was struggling to breathe again. They had taken off the respirator, but were forced to put her back on and were concerned about her brain swelling. They suggested that Whitnee and her husband come back to the hospital due to the brain swelling and the fear that she may not make it through the night if that continued. I have not heard from her today to see what has happened, but I wanted to ask you all to continue to be in prayer with Josh and me for Whitnee and John and Baby Lydia. I know God is mighty, please pray for Baby Lydia’s health to be restored if it is His will, and for the Mills family. Also, hold you sweet baby even closer tonight and praise the Lord for the miracle of a healthy child.
Posted by KerrisKorner at 12:52 PM 2 comments
Monday, April 6, 2009
Little Mama...
When she's not being Elle's mommy, Kate likes to mommy her baby dolls as well. She tucks them into bed, puts them in time out, and I even caught her nursing one the other day. I had to grab my camera and start clicking as soon as I saw her sit down with my boppy and her baby...I knew where this was going. She is too fun!!!
Posted by KerrisKorner at 11:41 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
My Productive Day...
Thoughts from today...
After a fun morning of snuggling on the couch to watch Mickey, reading about our ABC's, playing dollhouse, and too many trips to the potty to even count I put Kate down for her nap at noon. The house is so quiet. I love this time of the day because I finally get to hold Elle without interruption from big sister. As I lay with my sweet baby, my mind begins to race with all the "to-do's" of the day. This is the list that I usually try to get done while Kate is sleeping. My list looks like this:
A sink full of dishes
A dryer full of clothes
A backseat full of cheerios that Kate dumped out 3 days ago
Clothes to hang up piled on my dresser
Trash to collect and take out before trash day
Pictures to upload and blog about
Bills to pay
Kate's toy room looks like a tornado hit it
But the longer I lay there, the more I realize how sweet these moments of holding Elle are. I realize that my baby feels so good agains my chest and I just don't want to move and give up this sweet time together. The dishes, clothes, cheerios, trash, blogging, bills, and toys will all be there for years to come, but my little Elle won't always be in this phase. I decide that the "to-do's" can wait and spend the majority of Kate's nap just enjoying my Elle...and I feel like it was one of the most productive days I've had in a while!
Posted by KerrisKorner at 7:42 PM 1 comments