Monday, August 18, 2008

Catch up

Playing catch up...that is what I feel like life is about these days. I realize that I was SO tired during the first 12 weeks of my pregnancy that I did NOTHING extra in order to conserve energy for my developing baby and what was left went to Kate and Josh. I am now at 15 weeks and I realize there are little piles of stuff all around my house that need to be gone through and either put up or thown away, my hair is in terrible need of a cut/color, my makeup is to that point where it's either crumbled or I'm scraping the bottom, my car is so messy with toys, cups, kate's shoes, ect., we've been eating the same 4 meals or cereal every week...or just ordering pizza (I'm tired of pizza), and I have over 500 unchecked emails in my hotmail account because I just haven't taken the time to do them.
All that to say I am catching up! The house was gone through this weekend and my cleaning lady (who I love, love, love) is coming on Wednesday, the car is being washed tomorrow, the hair is being cut later this week, and makeup will be purchased as well. We sat down and made a menu of all new dinners (and pizza was not on the list) yesterday and went to the store to get all of the stuff. I feel like I am beginning to get back on top of my life after my 12 week sleepy phase! I haven't attemped to go through email yet, but I'll get there!
That is where I am at the moment. I hope I'm not the only one who goes through these hard spells. It's funny that you can't identify it exactly until you are coming out of it. I appreicate all of my friends not saying anything about my hair, my house, my car, or my lack of email replys...thanks for having grace! My life really is so blessed, and I feel funny that I base my progress on all those material things around me, but I guess I just see them as a extention of what is going on inside of me. I feel so much better now and I hope I can get everything else around me caught up! Here we go!!



Katie said...

Good luck with all of your catch up! If it makes you feel better, we ate the same four meals (or cereal or take-out) all summer, and I wasn't working or taking care of another little one. Sometimes that's just the way it goes! I think you're handling things wonderfully!