Monday, August 11, 2008

Update and Rant

Just to update...the day of potty training was a bust! She sat on the potty first thing and then we did the pull up and set the timer for 30 min. About 15 min. into she came running up to me saying "pee pee" and so we ran to the potty and pulled down her britches and sat her down to go. Unfortunaely, her pull up was wet, so I think she was telling me "pee pee" as she was going. We got a fresh pull up and started over and about 30 min. in she started yelling "poo poo" and sure enough, she had just gone in her pull up. I decided to keep putting her on the potty and explaining that it goes in there, but she got real tired of the potty and had one of those arch the back fits when I wanted her to sit on it. Needless to say, we put a diaper on about mid-afternoon and set all the potty stuff aside until a later date. I had a feeling she wasn't quite ready, so that was confirmed. I am still reading a lot and learning about it and she continues to tell me everytime she is going in her diaper, but that's all.

Last Friday I had a dr. appt. and we found out that we will have our sono to discover the gender on Sept. 5th! We are so excited! This weekend we went and bought all of Kate's "big girl" furniture so that we can begin transitioning her out of the nursery to make room for baby. We are going to paint her room purple and her furiture is white. It will be way girly and fun...I LOVE having a little girl to do this for! I'll post pics as it happens!

One last rant...last Friday I had TWO incidents where conplete strangers were just giving me (and the world) way too much information. First in a bridal store (where I was helping my sister in law pick a bridesmaid dress) a woman came in and needed some jeans taken up. She looked at me as i was minding my own business and said "These are $300 jeans and just my size...a size 2...but they are just too long." I wondered why she needed to tell me that...was it because I am 4 months prego and OBVIOUSLY not a size 2, was it because I look like I can't afford $300 jeans in my maternity jump suite and pony tail...not sure. Maybe people just need to feel validated or important sometimes, even if it's by a stranger. Whatever the goal, I just smiled and said "We'll it's a good thing you can get them taken up then," and then tired to busy myself. Later in the doctors office waiting room a woman answered her cell phone and proceeded to have an all out conversation about how her company is a multi billion dollar company and she only will talk to CFO's of other mulit billion dollar companies and blah, blah, blah about how important she is. I wanted to go grab her phone and slam it shut and walk off. Not sure it that is the hormones, or just that it had been a long day, but again I wondered why people have to share so publically in order to feel special. Also, do we really care if someone works for a billion dollar company or stays home with kids? If someone's jeans are $300 or from Kohls? I don't think I even really is just people's hearts that mean the most to me and sharing all that stuff shows me a lot about where their heart is. That might be judgmental or opinionated, but it's my opinion and this is my blog! Just kidding.

One last thing...I think it's stupid to spend $300 on a pair of jeans!


Allison said...

If spend $300 on jeans they better cook for me, clean for me and work out for me! :)

KerrisKorner said...

AMEN Allison!!!

Jennifer said...

I didn't even know $300 jeans existed...I'm in the same boat with the potty training...thought Addy was ready because she kept saying "potty, potty", and she actually pooped in it three times last Saturday. Looking back, that must've been luck...she is definitely not ready! She pulled out her panties the other day, so I thought, what the heck, we'll try, and she wet through 5 pairs in about 2 hours....Aubrey was 2 yrs, 4 months when she was trained, so I'm waiting for a while longer. :) I'm excited to hear the sex of the new baby, I always loved finding out. :)

Julie said...
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Julie said...

About the Potty Training... as Elmo says, "Everybody does their own special way." seriously, it is a good DVD. I think it is called Elmo's Potty Time and it was a good warm-up for Lauren. Good luck with all that.

TJPPPSmith said...

I could not spend on jeans what it takes me 3 weeks to spend on food! No way!

As far as the potty...I am with you! Parker (being a boy I guess) was not fully ready until closer to 3. Paige...she wants me to chance her as soon as she is wet or poopy, but does not one thing to do with the potty. She will sit on it for 15 minutes after waking from nap with a dry diaper...nothing comes out. We walk to the changing table and she Ts in the floor! That is when I threw in the towel...I am waiting until some time after she is 2.