Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I LOVE This Woman!

I'm not sure how many of you watched Sarah Palin's speech at the Republican National Convention last week, but it was AWESOME!! I wasn't sure how to take her and all that the media had put out there about her, but by the time she finished her speech...which was so good...I just wanted to stand up and yell AMEN!! She seems like someone I would have as a girlfriend and do lunch or have her over for dinner. I even find myself getting defensive for her when the media trys to insult her or her record now. I love that she is a "go getter" and not afraid to stand up for what she believes in, even if it's not the most popular thing. I also like that she professes her faith in God and that she understands what being a mother is all about. I liked John McCain before, but I like him a lot better now that he has Palin as his running mate! She will be a great Vice President!!



Anonymous said...

Standing. Clapping.