Thursday, January 17, 2008

My Girly Girl...

Just wanted you all to share in my excitement about my very girly little girl. As I mentioned in an earlier post she loves to snag and wear my bracelets...I now just put them in my purse until I get to work to avoid a conflict. Well, today she was playing in her playroom and I went in there and she had 2 of my bracelets on her wrist, and she was holding her baby purse up on her shoulder as she played. I just had to stop and praise the Lord for my sweet girly girl. I love that she is into being girly. No offense to the tomboy's of the world, but I was never one and hoped she would be like me...since I did carry her and give birth to her.

One other fun bit of info...the other day she took and wore my bracelet to school. I got to work and realized I was missing 2 of my 3 bracelets, and when Josh went to pick her up, they were snug around her bicep. She is so sneaky, but so so cute!


Anonymous said...

She is totally a girl after my own heart! Yeah for girl stuff!!