Friday, February 8, 2008

Getting Older...

We recently redid our life insurance policies now that we have stuff and we have a kiddo. In 2 weeks we are meeting with an attorney to do our wills in the event that we die young and unexpectantly. All of this planning for an unwanted event makes me feel sort of sad and like a real grown up. I know we have to plan ahead for the sake of Kate, but it's still hard to think about all that would go into making sure she is taken care of. I feel confident that our families would make sure that she never goes without, but I just can't imagine not being the one that does that in her life. All in all I guess this preplanning is just making me feel more grown up than ever and coming to grips with the fact that we just don't know the future. I would hate to leave her with our debts and no nest egg for the future, that would be terrible for her. At least this way we can have a peace that no matter what the Lord has in store, she is going to be fine.