Friday, January 16, 2009

Honest Scrap

My friend, Jennifer Watkins (Kohl), whom I've known since 2nd grade tagged me for a game called Honest Scrap. I figured this was a good way to pass time while Kate is napping and it is FREEZING outside...what better thing to do than blog?!? Really I can think of about 100 other things I could be doing, but blogging is a wonderful way to procrastinate when you have "real" stuff you need to be doing!

Here are the rules: you have to list 10 random things about yourself that are true and then tag 7 other people to do the same. So onto the game:

1. I eat one thing at a time on my all my beans, then all my potatoes, then all my meat, unless I'm having Mexican food (like to combine my rice and beans). I usually eat my meats last and veggies first. I also don't drink anything until I'm done with my plate, unless the food is just really spicy.

2. I LOVE Kate's Monday nap time because I lay on the sofa and watch my tivo'ed Desperate Housewives from the night before...such a fun little treat for me every Monday!

3. I am constantly adding, multiplying, and dividing numbers. My good friend Lauren (from DTS) used to make fun of me because I constantly had math problems along the edges of my notes from class. I also remember numbers really well...I have most of our account numbers memorized without even making an effort to do so...they just stick with me.

4. I HATE terminix. I have had many an argument with them over the phone for double charging me over and over. I can't even see a Terminix commercial on tv without feeling hate towards them. NEVER use them...they are not a good company to work with AT ALL!!

5. I am a news Junky...I LOVE to watch the news and read up on the latest events online. From the Today show at 7am to the 10:00 news...I'm totally going to be one of those old people who just watches the news in my rocking chair all day.

6. I love to clean out my ears, Josh's ears, Kate's ears and whoever else will let me. I even used to check our dog/cat's ears to see if they needed cleaning.

7. I am addicted to coffee in the am. I can't function without it and will go to great lengths to get it. I feel pretty agitated when it's not made correctly (too weak) and will do whatever it takes to get a good cup EVERY morning. When I'm not prego I ALWAYS have 2 cups.

8. I love to watch the Food Network. I want Paula Dean to come cook for me one day!

9. I'm excited about not being pregnant for the next 3-4 years so that I can "get my body back." Not that I'll ever have my high school/college body after having 2 kids, but I just want to be able to work out and not feel like it's all in vain because I'm just going to get pregnant again! I will miss eating whatever, whenever...but the trade off and better self confidence will be worth it!

10. I got a tattoo on my hip while living in Australia during college. I was there for 3 months on a mission trip and called home to ask permission after the deed was already done. My mom said "no" but it was too late! Most of my friends are SHOCKED if they accidentally see it, but I didn't get it for everyone to see...that's why I chose my hip and not my arms or legs. I figured that wouldn't look good for job interviews or for my profession later on in life.

So there you have Honest Scraps! I now tag:

Courtney Warren
Amy Tyner
Katie Brittain
Jami Smith
Lauren Smith
Tracy Howard
Allison McNeely

Alrighty...get going!!!


Allison said...

I guess I'm it...

{CuTe CaRd QuEeN} said...

Um, oh my goodness. Who IS this person that went from blogging once a month to 3 times in one week? I am not sure.
Note to self: must check Kerri's blog more often now...oh, until Thursday! :)